As I was blog hopping I came across a YOU TUBE video about Stephen Wiltshire. He is an AUTistic man who has an innate ability to draw from his memory with great detail. The first person I thought of was my son, Nicholas. He is not autistic, but has had challenges in his young life with speech and the ability to verbally communicate (as the way the world wants him to) with fluency. In the past year or two Nick has found a love for drawing. Not to the great extent of Stephen Wiltshire, but it is in him. Last year his teacher made a comment to me about his drawing abilities. His drawings seemed to show great detail and creative thought than the normal pre-kindergarten student. Even this year(diff. teacher) commented on his creative drawings . It does amaze me quit a bit to see him draw about something he has seen, done, or imagined and puts it on paper! He is a constant with paper and asks for more to make booklets. I spy on him from the couch as he sits and draws. I see the hands movin' and the wheels turning in that little head of his.
Just the other evening, the movie Ladder 64 was on.(I know not the best show for a 6 year old). Well, Nick has been fasinated by firemen, fires,fire alarms after fire safety week at school. So he was sitting there watching with great intensity a scene where a ladder truck put the ladder to a tall burning building. Flames were shooting,water spraying, and smoke everywhere! After the show ended, marker and paper were in hand! This is from the mind of a creative ARTistic boy:

I don't know if Nicholas will have the uncanney ability of Stephen Wiltshire, but I see a creative mind at work and I just let him do his thing.
* As explained by the artist, the fire man is holding the hose and a talking megaphone to talk to the fireman and tell about emergency.( Notice the hose hooked to hydrent,then to the watertruck then a hose to the ladder truck and then to the fireman. It blows my mind!)