(LtoR: Me,sister,Karla,my Dad, Grandma Connie, My Mom, sister Kelly, Husband Chad. Next row , Emily,Greta,Chad,and Nicholas.)
It's been at least 12 years since I've seen my Grandma Connie. She was visiting in Baltimore,MD and my parents picked her up and brought her down for a couple of days! It was good to see her! She still looks the same and ages quite well for 86! We ate dinner at Abuelos and headed to my sisters house for dessert, talking and catching up. I loved hearing stories about my Dad with all the animals...raising pigeons, and dogs and all the names of the dogs, and him being a junior lifeguard. I'm so happy to have shared this special time with my husband and the boys( her great grand kids!)and everybody else too:-) So always savor the moment, give hugs and always say ,"I love You".