Thursday, December 20, 2007


Mary Lee Bonasera Matthews : Worry is not necessary. Spend an equal amount of time counting blessings. Start with your childhood. Take the time to remember to really appreciate each blessing, absorb it and think of all the good effects it has had on you and others. Don't overlook the ordinary. There are a thousand blessings in every moment, if you look. Each breath and heartbeat, every color, texture, taste, smell. A lifetime of blessings, beauty, love. Thankfulness is like water. Allow yourself the release, the cleansing, the quenching that gratefulness brings.

I just want to say how grateful I am for my parents first of all. They raised me in a Christian , loving home that instilled in me those morals and values. Without that and all that Ive been through in my life and still going through I would be lost. Im clenching to the Truth of my Lord and Savor that gives me HOPE everyday. Im thankful and grateful for a family and friends and a church that is thinking about me and praying for me during this time. When you're hit with something like cancer a flood of thought go through your mind. I have had the "work case scenario" go through my head,but I have rebounded out of that with God's help. The quote above is so true about what I'm feeling. You tend go back in time in your mind and remember the good memories, like the childhood ones, like the texture of mud in making mudpies on the deck, then seeing blackberries in produce and recalling the time us girls on "circle" would go a pick blackberries and then your own kids have a liking to killer whales and then you remember the time when you and your sister and Amy lugged the HUGE ,I'm HUGE inflatable Shamu to the neighborhood pool and finally getting to cool down in the pool! Good times that make me smile. So anyway, be grateful in EVERY aspect of life.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

This is Blog-worthy: SNOW!!!

Since I'm cooped up inside most of the day it was so nice to see white ,fluffy flakes falling from the sky! I love snow! It wasn't much but it was beautiful! It made our trip this morning to my Radiation treatments a bit more adventurous...not really but it felt like it. I'm just getting back to blogging and those who visit this site bare with me. I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with colorectal cancer. It's been fairly easy so far. God has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding and a great husband to take care of me along with support of family and numerous friends that are praying for me and just want to help. I am feeling some effects of the radiation/chemo...the icky stomach at times and tire easily. To me it seems like the easy part before I have surgery(if I have to have it... God is a miracle worker ya know) If I do have surgery I know I will definitely be SLOW going. Keep praying. I'll keep ya posted here and there.