Monday, May 19, 2008


Im posting before I even started my 5th chemo cycle. For some reason I'm starting to get aggitated with this chemo. I just hate the feeling of being wiped out. My eyelids feel like they are weighted down with bricks on some days. Wish I had a time machine or a "life remote control" to fastforward through this.(just the chemo part) . Im sure I'll get through it like have the past cycles...pray for my energy level to be up this week:-)


pl said...

I totally know what you are feeling!!! I will be praying for you this week...and fervently hoping that this cycle will be maybe somehow be easier for you.

Katherine said...

I'm so sorry Kendra. I can't say I know how you're feeling, but I know that pit I get in my stomach if I feel like I'm starting to get a migraine. It's scary, and when we get scared, it's hard to remember that God won't give us anything we can't handle. I guess that means YOU are pretty amazing! I'll be keeping you in my prayers! Keep on keepin' on :)