Friday, October 10, 2008

Behind the doors of a PET Scan...

Today, from 8:30 AM to about 10:30AM I got a PET scan. And yes, that is a REAL radioactive symbol on the case! The case holds a vile of "radioactive" sugar that is injected into your vein. Then I was taken to a dim lit room and had two cup of "coolaid". It's part of what you do when you are part of the "cancer cult"(LOL)!All it is a contrast that interacts with the radioactive sugar and if it "lights up" on the scan/image...there is evidence of disease. So Im hoping nothing lights up. This cancer journey of mine and anybody going through it is such an emotional rollercoaster! I went weeks now on a high of finishing my chemo to not knowing the future of my scan. It's so hard for me at times not to worry. Im human and God knows me inside and out. And in those times of uncertainty I always reach for scriptures from the bible to remind me of God's plan for me:
" I say because I know what I am planning for you,"says the Lord." I have good plans for you,not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future."
I have trust in him that he knows what is best for me and my future on this earth.


Tim said...


Best wishes on yur latest Scan. I had my Scan yesterday, Thursday, and saw the Doctor today who reported that 1 nodal in my lungs has shrunk from 2.5cm to 2cm. Small victory, but I'm still hapy, healthy and positive about the outcome.
I'm waiting to hear when I start bacak on Chemo and the Doc also ordered a K-Ras test also, so I'm waiting to see what happens with this too.

Anonymous said...

So good to remember our Lord has a plan. I know that is hard though, when we are always (in our humanness) to try and figure out why. I praying that nothing lite up on your scan!!!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're Cancer free . KENDRA we love you from the Votaw's