Thursday, October 16, 2008


( Unfortunately the You tube video of me and the kids saying I'm cancer free had a side bar of other you tube videos inappropriate and does not convey what I believe. Maybe I'll figure out how not to have thwm on video was good too!)

I praise God for the wonderful news of today. I am officially CANCER FREE! My PET scan was normal and no other evidence of disease anywhere else. The best part of today was sharing the news with my children, family and friends! Thanks to all those who were praying for me throughout this past year! Can you believe it ! A YEAR! At the beginning of this journey I have felt every emotion that one can feel almost. But the one emotion or feeling that has never left my mind or me is the powerful PEACE that surpasses all understanding. During those times where I thought I couldn't take it anymore... God's peace was like a blanket that just wrapped itself around me and comforted me. and when I thought MY strength was failing, I called upon the Lord to give me HIS strength, because I knew my strength would not get me far. Though the cancer may have left my body, but what I've learned will always be with me and a part of me. I hope that whatever may come your way: ALL things are possible with GOD.


Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!!! Oh my goodness. Watching the little video just made be cry!! Happy tears of course! I am SO SO happy for you Kendra!!!

Kim said...

Kendra, Just read your post on the Briar Rose KAL. Congratulations! What great news - continued prayers for a healthy life!

Tim said...


Congrats on the Healthy Report. I wish you all the best for staying Cancer Free.

Tim said...

Congrats on your PET Scan coming back negative.