Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Lights, C A M E R A , Action !

I got my new camera lastnight! A Nikon D50 ! My husband knew which one I was wanting and surprised me! I thought he was going to show a pair of shoes or something...I was totally in shock! This is just one of the many steps in my "journey" to help me down the road. I had a "point and shoot" digital camera thinking I wanted to "downsize" from my former Nikon I used in college(film) ....but man oh man! This is so nice! I'm still reading up on it and all the bells and whistles it comes with! I'll be sure to show what it can do at a later time. Oh! I'm so EXCITED!!!!

1 comment:

Found by grace said...

Way to go Chad!!! I am so proud of you! Now you can move to Michigan and take pictures up here!