Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Skidding tires + "busted" tire = NEW BIKE!

Well a typical day for us is riding bikes after school! As boys do... they see how far the "skid" will go and if it leaves a mark behind. Well , Chad has accomplished this and then some. Riding down the street he comes back with tears and pushing his bike to show me this . . .

Chad has gotten to big for his little bike which prompted Daddy to suggest getting a new one! I have never seen tears wipe away so fast in my life and replaced with a smile! Seriously in less than 30 min they were back from the store . . .

Well Nick on the other hand is just happy with his one-wheel training wheel( the other one fell off and we lost the bolt,but we found it again,but HE decided to have just one training wheel on) But this has increased his awareness for keeping in balance! He keeps falling on occasion but picks himself up usually w/o tears!

Sorry Ive been bad about not blogging...it's just so BEAUTIFUL and 80 DEGREE weather with a gentle BREEZE , who wants to sit infront of a computer?...(well maybe my hubby:-) I'll try to blog more and hopefully I'll be getting a new lens and testing it out and getting use to it before I shoot for a WEDDING in the future!!!! Stayed tuned.

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