Sunday, June 15, 2008

1 armband to add to my collection...

Well I made it through another surgery and get to add to my collection of hospital armbands! After surgery is not too bad. I'm still sore around where they closed my ileostomy"hole". And the other day I finally passed gas. I wasn't able to in the hospital,but geez I was only there till wed. afternoon! Not even 2 full days! I'm tough girl you know:-) Well I fell like I'm a adult going through my own potty training! Sunday morning I finally had a "BM" !! I felt like getting out the gold stars and putting them on a chart or something! I was expecting loose,and watery bm...ah not quite, a small normal bm! God is good. I know it sounds silly to praise God for something so normal, but usually after having a rectal surgery that isn't normal. I'm just happy I can sense it coming and hold it enough till I get to the restroom! I still have to continue with my chemo a week from now and my body will change once again and hopefully I can control it during that time! keep praying for my body to recover in all ways. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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