Saturday, September 13, 2008

To Treat or not to Treat ?...that is the Question...

Okay it's been like 6 months of the prevenative chemo regiment. Just on the past 3 treatments my platelets were low,like in the 90's count, then a week or two later they do "labs" to check kyour blood. then it went to 78, they treated me. So my labs were last week on Mon. and they were 57! UGGG. SO this MON, which happens to be my last treatment,they'll prick my finger and check again. If is lower they may not treat me. Maybe I can talk Dr."M" into letting me skip the last one:-) That would be awesome! But I would still ring the bell! I feel anxious not knowing what my body is doing inside and what Mon. will bring. So I go back a read my prayer book passage:

"Lord, my sense of timing is fallible and imperfect; Yours is not. Let me trust in Your timetable for my life,and give me the patience and the wisdom to trust Your plans, and not my own." Amen

(taken from Promises&Prayer for Friends book, Family Christian Press pg.61)

My Crazy Cancer Journey may be coming close to ending in a sense,but I know it will always be a journey and someday (well now and back a few months) to tell how I came through this journey with a powerful presence of God around me and Tusting him in all things...even to shake my fears. As I write this I always recall the Song "Never let Go" by David Crowder Band. (a song on myplaylist).I know in this journey he has never let go of me,from my 5 week of Chemo/radiadation,colonoscopy,major colon surgery, to starting my prevenative chemo for 6 months,to having my ileostomy and dealing with that,and then having my ileostomy reversed,and finding a "new normal" and having control over it. Im truly blessed. Thank you Jesus:-)

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