Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Studio Friday: PORTFOLIO !!

EDIT: I changed stuff around and you may have to visit entire blog to check out my Photography slideshow/Portfolio:-)
This week's topic for Friday February 2nd suggested by Jo: PORTFOLIO!
"I've never put one together. I would be very interested to see and hear what everyone else has as a portfolio and what makes up one"~ Jo

Okay...I was a studio art major in college, so I know a bit about portfolios. During the semesters I was engrossed in photography it all came down to the final portfolio. It was a great time to see others' works and get the "constructive criticism"that was needed. I learned only to compile images that were best of the best, made sure it showed your style and began and ended with your "attention getters" or something that the viewer would remember. They say your impression of people is concluded by the "first and last". Believe it or not I still have that college portfolio. Since then and recently I keep images on a cd-like a digital portfolio. Those who visit my blog frequently(friends and family) may have seen some of these images on my sidebar slideshow , maybe you'll see something different or something you like?? A print maybe?( A fee of course, gotta make a little profit:-) Let me know if you're interested :-)

Edit: If you're visiting my entire blog...I posted this "slide show" on every post by accident...still learning html/template and etc. bare with me:-)


merete said...

Thanks for the tips in the entry!

Anonymous said...

Great post! i love your photography!!! your phots are so rich and beautiful!!!

Great SF entry!!


Abbie said...

Beautiful photography! Isn't technology a wonderful thing?
:) Abbie

Cindy Tobey said...

Wow! Your photos ROCK! Great portfolio!

Saw your comment on my blog...I hope you are enjoying your snow. :)