Monday, March 24, 2008

Chemotherapy: Round Two :Day One

10:30 AM-3:30 pm ...What a day! My first day of treatment of this cycle. I got my nausea meds, then my "liquid gold" ,received my push of 5-FU and got some "to go " in a take home pump. Not so bad today, but I can feel the tiredness coming on . So I'm still going to continue my "green machine" (chlorelle/spirlina drink) which can help with anemia ( I'm not anemic and don't want to) also can help with side effects of chemo. Remember my Rebounder post a while back...going to try to start that too. This can build you while blood cells and that's mega important during this time when these cell counts drop. I serve a God who doesn't hold onto statistics...I pray that I beat theses side effect stats and that all goes well and leave the Dr's picking their jaws off the floor:-) Today I had a nurse who was training along a head nurse today. She was talking to me and said, I just can't believe you are going through chemo, you could be my daughter, I'm old enough to be your mother...and your are attitude is so positive. I told her you have to just stay positive to get through it, if you don't it brings you down and your hope tends to fade. Again I was the youngest chemo patient in the room today. An elder man sat near us today and while I was in the bathroom asked chad "does she have cancer" (umm I would be sittin the chair if I didn't:-) anyway he told him that I had colon cancer. " shes too young to have cancer" the man said. Chad said yeah more and more young people are getting cancer these days it seems.

Me watching a movie .Chad doing his work and keeping me company...Love this guy!

Chemo " to go" pump.

1 comment:

K. Karr said...

Missed seeing you on Sunday! Wasn't service great! Dale was fabulous on his song! It seems like more and people are noticing you and your story. What a great opportunity for you to show how God works in our lives! Love you, Sis! I know that you "so" glad to have you long lost "to go" pack hanging around again! That's won't be forever...and it's the last time you will have to do it!